Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Being unready for school : factors affecting risk and resilience / George Farkas and Jacob Hibel
  • In search of meaning : disentangling the complex influences on children's school readiness / Michael Lopez and Sandra Barrueco
  • Explaining the gap in school readiness / Jane McLeod
  • Farkas and Hibel, and a transactional ecological model of readiness and inequality / Lynne Vernon-Feagans [and others]
  • Reply to Lopez and Barrueco / George Farkas and Jacob Hibel
  • Family processes that support school readiness : specific behaviors and contextual conditions that set this process in motion / Susan Landry and Karen Smith
  • Study of the effects of parenting on aspects of brain growth and development relevant to school readiness : a work in progress / Clancy Blair
  • Genetic source of reading disability and a proposal to use NLSY-Children to study genetic and environmental influences on reading disability genetic and environmental influences on reading disability / Guang Guo and Jonathan Daw
  • Proximal processes in school readiness / Kyle Snow
  • The context of school readiness : social class difference in time use in family life / Annette Lareau and Elliot Weininger
  • Cultural versus social class contexts for extra-curricular activity participation / Diane Hughes
  • Linking social class to concerted cultivation, natural growth and school readiness / Sandra Hofferth
  • Organized activity participation for children from low- and middle-income families / Joseph Mahoney and Jacquelynne Eccles
  • Child characteristics and family processes that predict behavioral readiness for school / Susan Campbell and Camilla von Stauffenberg
  • Using developmental evidence on behavioral school readiness to inform prevention and policy / Hirokazu Yoshikawa and Erin Brooke Godfrey
  • Behavioral unreadiness for school : issues and interventions / Ray DeV. Peters and Diana Ridgeway
  • Using family-focused interventions to promote child behavioral readiness for school / Karen Bierman, Robert Nix, and Kerry Makin-Byrd
  • Processes and factors influencing family contributions to school readiness / Rebecca Sanford DeRousie and Rachel Durham.