Table of Contents:
  • Close reading : an introduction / Andrew Dubois
  • Poetry : a note on ontology / John Crowe Ransom
  • Keats's Sylvan historian : history without footnotes / Cleanth Brooks
  • Symbolic action in a poem by Keats / Kenneth Burke
  • The Ekphrastic principle and the still movement of poetry; or Laokoon revisited / Murray Krieger
  • Examples of Wallace Stevens / R.P. Blackmur
  • How to do things with Wallace Stevens / Frank Lentricchia
  • Stevens and Keat's "To autumn" / Helen Vendler
  • "Lycidas" : a poem finally anonymous / Stanley Fish
  • Literary history and literary modernity / Paul de Man
  • Acts of cultural criticism / Roland Barthes
  • Nostalgia for the present / Fredric Jameson
  • The Mousetrap / Catherine Gallagher, Stephen Greenblatt
  • Jane Austen's cover story (and its secret agents) / Sandra Gilbert, Susan Gubar
  • Jane Austen and the masturbating girl / Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
  • Ulysses and the twentieth century / Franco Moretti
  • To move without moving : an analysis of creativity and commerce in Ralph Ellison's Trueblood episode / Houston A. Baker, Jr.
  • The world and the home / Homi Bhabha.