Table des matières:
  • Cover; Half-title; Title page; Copyright information; Dedication; Table of contents; Preface; 1 Introduction; Indian foreign policy: Cold War and after; Power and interest; Inability to use force effectively; Inability to use force effectively; Marginalization of the military; Strategic culture deficit; Lack of institutionalization; The myth of a debate; The Modi factor; Notes; Snapshot 1: Indian foreign and security policy-making structures; Part I India and major powers; 2 India and the United States:; US-India ties after the Cold War; A constellation of factors; Conclusion; Notes.
  • 3 India and China: an uneasy relationshipHistorical and diplomatic interactions; Global engagement; From global to bilateral: without much success; Growing frictions; Strained economic ties; Energy competition; India balances a rising China; Conclusion; Notes; 4 India and Russia: convergence across time; The Soviet era: alignment in the non-alignment phase; The 1971 treaty: India's balance of power strategy; A relationship unaffected by domestic politics; The post-Cold War era; Changing balance of power; New expectations from defense; Sub-optimal economic ties; The "Af-Pak" challenge.
  • ConclusionNotes; 5 India and the European Union: a relationship in search of meaning; An important experiment; The EU and the new global order; Limits to EU-India Partnership; India's bilateral outreach; Conclusion; Notes; Snapshot 2: The BRICS fallacy; Part II India and its neighborhood; 6 India and Pakistan: a road to nowhere; A history of wars and conflicts; Pakistan's domestic vulnerabilities; The China-Pakistan axis; No sign of resolution; Notes; 7 India and Bangladesh: a difficult partnership; Balancing India's predominance; Domestic politics and the "Other."
  • Bilateral issues between India and BangladeshWater concerns; Migration and its discontents; Islamist fundamentalism; Weak economic ties; Conclusion; Notes; 8 Nepal and Sri Lanka: India struggles to retain its relevance; A yam between two rocks; From Rajapaksa to Sirisena; Notes; 9 India and Afghanistan: a test case for a rising power; The Cold War and beyond; Phase I: a "soft" engagement; Phase II: New Delhi marginalized; Phase III: India fights back; Conclusion; Notes; Snapshot 3: India and Bhutan; Part III India's extra-regional outreach.
  • 10 India in East and Southeast Asia: "acting" East with an eye on ChinaIndia fashions a "Look East" policy; India and Japan: a growing partnership; India and South Korea: newfound convergence; India's ties with Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Burma: deepening engagement; Conclusion; Notes; 11 India in Africa and Central Asia: part of the new "Great Game"; A post-Cold War reimagining; The China factor; India's challenge in Central Asia; Seeking bilateral partnerships; Notes; 12 India and the Middle East: a fine balance; India responds to the Arab revolutions: caution all the way.