Table des matières:
  • Cover; CYCLOPEAN SONG; Title; Copyright; CONTENTS; PREFACE; INTRODUCTION; I ""GONGORISMO'' AND THE CYCLOPS; 1. Gongorismo: The Peacock and the ""light in things; 2. The Cyclops and His Classical Lineage; II THE CAVERN AND THE SOLAR EYE; 1. The ""caverna profunda; 2. The ""melancólico vacío"": Time, Subjectivity and Melancholy; 3. The Underworld and Formal Deficiency; 4. The Cavern and the Solar Eye; Ill SATURN AND VENUS; 1. Saturnine Melancholy and the Venusian Realm; 2. Cyclopean Song; 3. Venus and the ""Reino de la espuma; IV CONCLUSION; 1. Polarities: a Recapitulation.
  • 2. Cyclopean Language3. Poetry and Mediation; 4. The Heraldry of the Imagination; WORKS CITED; Back Cover.