Table of Contents:
  • On drawing lessons from the history of eugenics / Diane B. Paul
  • Governmental regulation of genetic technology, and the lessons learned / Julie Gage Palmer
  • Oversight of reproductive technology: the last twenty years / Andrea L. Bonnicksen
  • Market transactions in reprogenetics: a case for regulation / Suzanne Holland
  • Stem cells, clones, consensus, and the law / Timothy Caulfield
  • The governance of reprogenetic technology: international models / Lori P. Knowles
  • Regulating reprogenetics in the United Kingdom / Andrew Grubb
  • The evolution of public policy on reprogenetics in Canada / Patricia A. Baird
  • A brief history of public debate about reproductive technologies: politics and commissions / Kathi E. Hanna
  • Possible policy strategies for the United States: comparative lessons / Alison Harvison Young
  • The development of reprogenetic policy and practice in the United States: looking to the United Kingdom / Gladys B. White
  • Reprogenetics and public policy: reflections and recommendations / Erik Parens, Lori P. Knowles.