Table of Contents:
  • Foreword / Seán Patrick O'Malley
  • Introduction: The challenge of religious life in the United States today / Richard Gribble
  • Reforming religious life with the right hermeneutic / Franc Rode
  • Apostolic religious life: a public, ecclesial vocation / Sara Butler
  • "De accommodata renovatione: between the idea and the reality ... ": occasion and intent and consequences of Vatican Council II / Elizabeth McDonough
  • Signs of the times: signs, symbols, and meaning in religious life / Joseph T. Lienhard
  • Relearning the language of God: obedience, forgiveness, and love / Robert Morlino
  • Love alone is credible / Gill Goulding
  • Apostolic religious life in the post-Vatican II church: ongoing challenges of renewal
  • perfect and imperfect love / Kurt Pritzl
  • Consecrated life: witness to destiny / Hugh Cleary.