Table des matières:
  • 1. Introduction / Ann Woodward and J.D. Hill
  • 2. A Date with the Past: Late Bronze and Iron Age Pottery and Chronology / Steven Willis
  • 3. The Nature of Archaeological Deposits and Finds Assemblages / Joshua Pollard
  • 4. Aspects of Manufacture and Ceramic Technology / Alex Gibson
  • 5. Between Ritual and Routine: Interpreting British Prehistoric Pottery Production and Distribution / Sue Hamilton
  • 6. Staying Alive: The Function and Use of Prehistoric Ceramics / Elaine L. Morris
  • 7. Sherds in Space: Pottery and the Analysis of Site Organisation / Ann Woodward
  • 8. Pottery and the Expression of Society, Economy and Culture / J.D. Hill
  • 9. Ceramic Lives / Alistair Barclay
  • 10. Pots as Categories: British Beakers / Robin Boast
  • 11. Inclusions, Impressions and Interpretation / Ann Woodward
  • 12. A Regional Ceramic Sequence: Pottery of the First Millennium BC between the Humber and the Nene / David Knight
  • 13. Just About the Potter's Wheel? Using, Making and Depositing Middle and Later Iron Age Pots in East Anglia / J.D. Hill
  • 14. Roman Pottery in Iron Age Britain / Andrew Fitzpatrick and Jane Timby.