Table des matières:
  • Maroon women in colonial Spanish America : case studies in the Circum-Caribbean from the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries / Jane Landers
  • Of life and freedom at the (tropical) hearth : El Cobre, Cuba, 1709-73 / María Elena Díaz
  • In the shadow of the plantation : women of color and the Libres de fait of Martinique and Guadeloupe, 1685-1848 / Bernard Moitt
  • "To be free is very sweet" : the manumission of female slaves in Antigua, 1817-26 / David Barry Gaspar
  • "Do thou in gentle Phibia smile" : scenes from an interracial marriage, Jamaica, 1754-86 / Trevor Burnard
  • The fragile nature of freedom : free women of color in the U.S. South / Loren Schweninger
  • Out of bounds : emancipated and enslaved women in Antebellum America / Wilma King
  • Free Black and Colored women in early-nineteenth-century Paramaribo, Suriname / Rosemarijn Hoefte, Jean Jacques Vrij
  • Ana Paulinha de Queirós, Joaquina da Costa, and their neighbors : free women of color as household heads in rural Bahia (Brazil), 1835 / B.J. Barickman, Martha Few
  • Libertas citadinas : free women of color in San Juan, Puerto Rico / Félix V. Matos Rodríguez
  • Landlords, shopkeepers, farmers, and slave-owners : free Black female property-holders in colonial New Orleans / Kimberly S. Hanger
  • Free women of color in Central Brazil, 1779-1832 / Mary C. Karasch
  • Henriette Delille, free women of color, and Catholicism in Antebellum New Orleans, 1727-1852 / Virginia Meacham Gould
  • Religious women of color in seventeenth-century Lima : Estefania de San Ioseph and Ursula de Jesu Christo / Alice L. Wood.