Table of Contents:
  • ""Contents""; ""LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS""; ""ACKNOWLEDGMENTS""; ""Introduction""; ""1 Bloodlines: Portraits of Maria Salviati deâ€? Medici by Bronzino and Pontormo""; ""2 Declarations of Dynasty: The State Portrait of Eleonora di Toledo""; ""3 â€?These tender and well-born plantsâ€?: Young Daughters and Wards of Cosimo and Eleonora""; ""4 A â€?Mediciâ€? Papacy and a Counter-Reformation in Portraiture: Alloriâ€?s Giulia dâ€?Alessandro deâ€? Medici""; ""5 The New Medicean Cosmos: Lucrezia deâ€? Medici, Duchess of Ferrara""
  • ""6 Damnatio Memoriae: Isabella deâ€? Medici Orsini, â€?La stella di casa Mediciâ€?""""7 Up Close and Personal: Patronage and the Miniature Eleonora (â€?Dianoraâ€?) di Toledo deâ€? Medici""; ""Epilogue""; ""APPENDICES""; ""TERMINOLOGY AND ABBREVIATIONS""; ""NOTES""; ""BIBLIOGRAPHY""; ""PHOTOGRAPH CREDITS""; ""INDEX""; ""A""; ""B""; ""C""; ""D""; ""E""; ""F""; ""G""; ""H""; ""I""; ""J""; ""K""; ""L""; ""M""; ""N""; ""O""; ""P""; ""Q""; ""R""; ""S""; ""T""; ""U""; ""V""; ""W""