Table of Contents:
  • Cover; Contents; Acknowledgments; I. Introduction: On Ethics and Poetics; II. "To Express!" or the Thought of Immanence: : pinoza9 1. Ontology vs. Analogy; 2. Univocity vs. Equivocation; 3. Expression vs. Representation; III. "To Endure!" or the Thought of Difference: : ergson9 1. Intuition vs. Analysis; 2. Differences in Kind vs. Differences of Degree; 3. Time of the Virtual vs. Space of the Possible; IV. "To Affirm!" or the Thought of Repetition: : ietzsche9 1. Pluralism vs. Metaphysics; 2. Force vs. Subject; 3. Repetition vs. Sameness; V. "To Become!" or Deleuze's : oetics of Life9.
  • 1. "A life ... : everywhere!"2. "To think!" as : mor Fati9 3. "To become!" as : thos9 Abbreviations; Bibliography.