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Table des matières:
  • Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Getting Started; The definition of animation and the web context; The need for AngularJS animation; Choosing when to use JavaScript for animations; AngularJS
  • combining JavaScript and CSS3; Do it yourself exercises; Summary; Chapter 2: Understanding CSS3 Transitions and Animations; CSS3 transitions; The transition-timing-function property; The transition-delay property; Animatable properties; CSS3 keyframe animations; Defining an animation using keyframes.
  • Separating timing functions for each keyframe intervalOther CSS keyframe animations' properties; CSS3 transforms; The scale function; The translate function; The skew function; Exercise; Summary; Chapter 3: Creating Our First Animation in AngularJS; The ngAnimate module setup and usage; AngularJS directives with native support for animations; Fade animations using AngularJS; The AngularJS animations convention; AngularJS animation with CSS transitions; The ng-enter class; The ng-leave class; AngularJS animation with CSS keyframe animations; The CSS naming convention.
  • The ngClass directive animation sampleThe ngHide and ngShow animation sample; The ngModel directive and form animations; The ngMessage and ngMessages directive animations; The ngView directive animation; The ngSwitch directive animation; The ngInclude directive sample; Do it yourself exercises; Summary; Chapter 4: JavaScript Animations in AngularJS; Creating AngularJS animation without CSS3; The ngHide JavaScript animation; The ngIf JavaScript animation; The ngRepeat JavaScript animation; JavaScript animations as a fallback for CSS animations; Do it yourself exercises; Summary.
  • Chapter 5: Custom Directives and the animate ServiceTriggering animations on custom directives; Animating the enter and leave events; Using the animate.move method; Creating a custom directive animated with JavaScript; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 6: Animations for Mobile Devices; Enhance UX on mobile devices with animations; Transition between views; Mobile AngularJS frameworks; Summary; Chapter 7: Staggering Animations; Creating staggering animations; Staggering animations with a CSS transition; Staggering animations with a CSS keyframes animation.
  • Creating staggering animations for other native directivesCreate staggering animations for custom directives; Summary; Chapter 8: Animations' Performance Optimization; The display and the frame rate; Finding performance bottlenecks using Chrome DevTools; Checking FPS using Show fps meter; Measuring browser layers and Jank on Chrome; CSS styles in animations you should avoid; Summary; Index.