Table of Contents:
  • Preface; Abbreviations; Prolegomena; Traditio et Traditum; What is "Tradition History"?; Scope and Method of the Present Study; Part I: The Rise of the Traditio-Historical Research of the Old Testament; Richard Simon and the Awakening to the Problem of Old Testament Tradition; The Era of Source Criticism: General Neglect of the Precompositional Stage; Hermann Gunkel and the Recognition of the Importance of Ancient Traditions; From Hugo Gressmann to Albrecht Alt: Securing and Extending the Foundation; Gerhard von Rad and Martin Noth: The Fathers of Traditio-Historical Research.
  • Subsequent Examples of Traditio-Historical StudiesCritical Reaction to Traditio-Historical Research; Part 2: The Scandinavian Debate on Traditio-Historical Problems; Preliminary Remarks; The Beginnings; Ivan Engnell: The Center of the Debate; The ""Uppsala Circle"; The Influence of and Response to the Uppsala Circle; Critique; Epilogue: Does Tradition History Have a Future?; Bibliography; Index of Authors; Index of Subjects.