Table des matières:
  • Introduction: International environmental cooperation in Pacific Asia / Paul G. Harris
  • Environmental security in east Asia: defining a common agenda / Lorraine Elliott
  • Environmental security, international cooperation, and U.S. foreign policy toward northeast Asia / Paul G. Harris
  • Reconciling trade and environment in east Asia / Jack N. Barkenbus
  • The Asian Development Bank and environmental diplomacy: limits to the technocratic consensus / Morten Bøås
  • Environmental agreements in southeast Asia: balancing economic interests and regional politics / Giok Ling Ooi, Simon S.C. Tay, and Yue Choong Kog
  • Emerging norms of international justice: global warming and China's changing environment / Donald A. Brown
  • Ecological interdependence and environmental governance in northeast Asia: politics versus cooperation / Sangmin Nam
  • Building environmental regimes in northeast Asia: progress, limitations, and policy options / Shin-wha Lee
  • Problems of environmental cooperation in northeast Asia: the case of acid rain / Wakana Takahashi
  • Toward a greener peace? Nuclear reprocessing, security, and international cooperation in east Asia / Stephanie Tai [and others]
  • Politics of the South China Sea: diplomacy, cooperation, and environmental regimes / Tom Næss
  • Indonesian forest fires: internationalizing a national environmental problem / Allen L. Springer.