Table of Contents:
  • Socio-historical and cultural contexts of assessment policy. The changing discourse of assessment policy: the case of English primary education / Patricia Broadfoot and Andrew Pollard
  • Choosing not to know: how assessment policies and practices obscure the education of language minority students / Mark Lacelle-Peterson
  • Technologies of testing. Testing technology: the need for oversight / George F. Madaus and Cathy Horn
  • How tests create what they are intended to measure / F. Allan Hanson
  • Classroom contexts of assessment. Constructing the 'legitimate' goal of a 'realistic' maths item: a comparison of 10-11 and 13-14 year-olds / Barry Cooper and Máiréad Dunne
  • Questioning the three bears: the social construction of classroom assessment / John Pryor and Harry Torrance
  • Assessment as lived experience beyond the classroom. Assessment and parents' strategic action / Ann Filer and Andrew Pollard
  • Making the graduate: perspectives on student experience of assessment in higher education / David James
  • Postmodern perspectives and implications for assessment practice. Postmodernism and educational assessment / Harry Torrance
  • Cultural politics, the science of assessment and democratic renewal of public education / Harold Berlak.