Table des matières:
  • Unspeakable things unspoken: the Afro-American presence in American literature / Toni Morrison
  • Mr. Clemens and Jim Crow: Twain, race, and blackface / Eric Lott
  • "Who I was": ethnic identity and American literary ethnocentrism / Peter Carafiol
  • Reading black, white, and gray in 1968: the origins of the contemporary narrativity of slavery / Ashraf H.A Rushdy
  • The politics of mourning: cultural grief-work from Frederick Douglass to Fanny Fern / Jeffrey Steele
  • Black and white voices in an early African-American colonization narrative: problems of genre and emergence / Dickson D. Bruce, Jr.
  • Howells, Du Bois, and the effect of "common-sense": race, realism, and nervousness in An imperative duty and The souls of black folk / Henry B. Wonham
  • The remaking of Americans: Gertrude Stein's "Melanctha" and African-American musical traditions / Carla L. Peterson
  • The master's tools revisited: foundation work in Anna Julia Cooper / Todd Vogel
  • The African-American presence in Stowe's Dred / Robert S. Levine
  • Sentimental abolition in Douglass's decade: revision, erotic conversion, and the politics of witnessing in "The heroic slave" and My bondage and my freedom / P. Gabrielle Foreman
  • The blind leading the blind: the racial gaze as plot dilemma in "Benito Cereno" and "The heroic slave" / Herman Beavers
  • The ghost of race: Edgar Allan Poe and the southern gothic / Teresa Goddu
  • Interrogating "whiteness," complicating "blackness": remapping American culture / Shelley Fisher Fishkin.