Table of Contents:
  • Reflections on philosophic recovery / Robert Cummings Neville
  • Philosophy's recovery of its history: a tribute to John E. Smith / George R. Lucas, Jr.
  • Intimations of religious experience and interreligious truth / Thomas P. Kasulis
  • The spirit of pragmatism and the pragmatic spirit / Kuang-ming Wu
  • Modernism, postmodernism, and the pragmatic recovery of an educational canon / George Allan
  • John E. Smith and the heart of experience / Douglas R. Anderson
  • Whitehead's distinctive features / Lewis S. Ford
  • Emergence and embodiment: a dialectic within process / Richard Hocking
  • The Goldilocks syndrome: on philosophical aspirations that are too high, too low, and just right / Donald W. Sherburne
  • Philosophy as critique and as vision / Merold Westphal
  • All philosophy as Religionsphilosophie / Errol E. Harris
  • Theft and conversion: two Augustinian confessions / Carl G. Vaught
  • American philosophy's way around modernism (and postmodernism) / Robert Cummings Neville
  • Philosophy in America: recovery and future development / John E. Smith.