
Business, Economic and Sustainability Science (BESS) /

The Organizing Committee of the Business, Economics and Sustainability Science conference would like to inform that the first edition of the Proceedings will be published on the sciendo.com very soon! The second edition of the Conference Proceedings will be also released on the Sciendo platform. The...

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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Abbas, Muhammad Hasyim Ibnu (Contributor), Adji, Abimanyu Sasongko (Contributor), Affandi, Muhammad Iqbal (Contributor), Agustin, Grisvia (Contributor), Agustina, Yuli (Contributor), Ahmad (Contributor), Al Khair, Muhammad Nalar (Contributor), Al Muiz, Mochamad Nasichin (Contributor), Amala, Istiqomah Ahsanu (Contributor), Amin, Arif (Contributor), Anggraini, Rila (Contributor), Annisya' (Contributor), Ashar, Khusnul (Contributor), Asri, Nur Habibah (Contributor), Azizah, Solikhatul (Contributor), Basuki, Andi (Contributor), Bianchi, Edoardo (Contributor), Dewi, Dian Hasna Armeika (Contributor), Dwiputri, Inayati Nuraini (Contributor), Fatimah, Rezki Kiki (Contributor), Fattah, Fazleen Abdul (Contributor), Fattah, Mochammad (Contributor), Gravitiani, Evi (Contributor), Habibi, Muhammad Afnan (Contributor), Handayani, Sri (Contributor), Haryanto, Budhi (Contributor), Hermawan, Agus (Contributor), Hidayati, Bunga (Contributor), Hussain, Nor Ermawati (Contributor), Hussein, Ananda Sabil (Contributor), Hussin, Muhammad Bin (Contributor), Inayati, Ro'ufah (Contributor), Istiqomah, Ni'matul (Contributor), Juwita, Aulia Hapsari (Contributor), Kafabih, An'im (Contributor), Kamaludin, Mahirah (Contributor), Khasanah, Widya Nur (Contributor), Kurniawan, Dediek Tri (Contributor), Kurniawan, Restu Agus Dwi (Contributor), Kustiandi, Januar (Contributor), Maulidia, Rina (Contributor), Megasari, Rizza (Contributor), Merlinda, Santi (Contributor), Mukhlis, Imam (Contributor), Narmaditya, Bagus Shandy (Contributor), Nora, Elfia (Contributor), Nurhasanah, Iffah (Contributor), Nurraini, Khusna Mardati (Contributor), Nurrochmat, Dodik (Contributor), Orbaningsih, Dwi (Contributor), Paksi, Girindra Mega (Contributor), Pangestuty, Farah Wulandari (Contributor), Prastiwi, Lustina Fajar (Contributor), Pratiwi, Eka Yuli (Contributor), Prayitno, Putra Hilmi (Contributor), Priambodo, Magistyo Purboyo (Contributor), Priambodo, Magistyo (Contributor), Purnamasari, Vidya (Contributor), Purwanti, Pudji (Contributor), Puspasari, Emma Yunika (Contributor), Putri, Dewi Aisyah Febriyani (Contributor), Putri, Natasya Adinda (Contributor), Putri, Ratih Monika (Contributor), Qodri, Lutfi Asnan (Contributor), Qurrata, Vika Annisa (Contributor), Rachmawati, Dian (Contributor), Radjawali, Irendra (Contributor), Rahmawati, Farida (Contributor), Riyanto, Feri Dwi (Contributor), Rizki, Dewi (Contributor), Sangadji, Etta Mamang (Contributor), Santoso, Dwi Budi (Contributor), Saputra, Jumadil (Contributor), Saputra, Mochamad Dandy Hadi (Contributor), Seprillina, Linda (Contributor), Septiningtyas, Chantika Dwi (Contributor), Setiawan, Eko (Contributor), Setyanti, Axellina Muara (Contributor), Shafiai, Muhammad Hakimi Mohd (Contributor), Shandy Narmaditya, Bagus (Editor), Sopiah, Sopiah (Contributor), Stevens, Taylor (Contributor), Sulistio, Hery (Contributor), Sumarsono, Hadi (Contributor), Suprapti, Anastasia Riani (Contributor), Susilo, Edi (Contributor), Susilowati, Nurdian (Contributor), Suwanan, Ahmad Fawaiq (Contributor), Tullah, Wildan Hidayat (Contributor), Umatin, Choiru (Contributor), Utomo, Sugeng Hadi (Contributor), Wahyono, Hari (Contributor), Wandira, Nur Rahayu (Contributor), Widiyanto, Muhamad Riyan Bagus (Contributor), Widjaja, Sri Umi Mintarti (Contributor), Winarno, Agung (Contributor), Wulandari, Dwi (Contributor), Yuniarti, Refsy Ayu (Contributor), Yunikawati, Nur Anita (Contributor), Yusida, Ermita (Contributor)
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: Warsaw ; Berlin : Sciendo, [2022]
Online Access:Texto completo
Summary:The Organizing Committee of the Business, Economics and Sustainability Science conference would like to inform that the first edition of the Proceedings will be published on the sciendo.com very soon! The second edition of the Conference Proceedings will be also released on the Sciendo platform. The conference Business, Economics and Sustainability Science (BESS) brings together leading researchers and scientists from the domains of economics, business and the environmental sciences and here worldwide to formulate a green outline for crisis recovery. The combination of public and business policies with technological innovation could be a scenario to mitigate the negative impact of economic activities on sustainable development. Green recovery can address the climate crisis through encouraging all stakeholders to act environmentally responsibly. Green stimulus should be seen as a long-term response to the pandemic because it is a tool for reshaping the economy rather than simply restarting it. The topics of interest to be covered by BESS 2021 include, but are not limited to: Business in the context of sustainable development Business environment dynamics E-business and E-commerce, Sustainable entrepreneurship SMEs and entrepreneurship Ethical and environmental issues Human resources practices and organizational strategies Role of IT in sustainable development Green behavior Management for sustainability Green solutions, eco taxes, eco-labelling Sustainable future, policies, innovation, investment funds Economics in the context of sustainable development Environmental economics Sustainability of competitive advantage Economic sustainability Environmental economics and sustainable development finance Sustainable urban and rural development Smart city and environmental issues Local economic development Sustainable development Green circular economy Natural resource economics Environmental impact assessment Environment and sustainable development Development and sustainability management Sustainability science Education for sustainable development Sustainable tourism and ecotourism Ecology and sustainability Global environmental issues Green energy Environmental sustainability Socio cultural sustainability Sustainability accounting Sustainable future Sustainability transitions Campus design for sustainability Curriculum development for sustainability Sustainability in education Distance education, e-learning, blended learning, ICT in education Publication Policies 1. Original Work. 2. Have done check for plagiarism (plagiarism free) by the Author. 3. Never been published or accepted for any publication in other conference. 4. Never been submitted in another conference for concurrent publication or being considered for publication in any event or interests. The Consequences for cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and other forms of academic dishonesty can be very serious, possibly including suspension or legal action. Copyright laws are absolute. One cannot use another person's material without citation and reference. An author has the right to sue a plagiarist. Registration Registration and login are required to submit items online. (Paper manuscript must comply following the BESS 2021 paper template) before uploaded in submission, it is one requirement for the next step journey of your paper before entering the review process. Important and highly recommended that you can a.
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