Sumario: | "Senator Sam Nunn: The Deliberate Statesman explores the impact that Nunn (D-GA) had on US national security policy and strategy from his election to the US Senate from Georgia in 1972 until his retirement at the end of the 103rd Congress in 1997, a period of 24 years. Nunn was, in the words of Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank, a "giant" of the Senate, a figure of stature, who was admired by colleagues and "whose authority could transcend party and the usual arithmetic of vote counting." At a time of political polarization and partisanship, Sam Nunn's reputation remains that of a political leader with a record of bipartisanship. Nunn served at the moment when domestic politics and foreign policy were undergoing far-reaching changes. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and most importantly, as its chairman from 1987 to 1994, he had a vital impact on most of the crucial national security and defense issues of the Cold War era and the "new world order" that followed. These issues included revitalization of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's military capability, U.S.-Soviet relations, national defense reorganization and reform, arms control (for which he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize), the Persian Gulf conflict and terrorism."--