
The technological value of the sugar beet = La valeur technique de la betterave sucri�ere = Der Technische wert der Zuckerr�ube : Proceedings of the XIth Session of the Commission Internationale Technique de Sucrerie, Frankfurt, 1960.

The Technological Value of the Sugar Beet focuses on the physical properties of the beet with respect to storage, slicing, diffusion, and filtration rate, as well as the chemical composition of the juice which determines the ash, lime salts, nitrogenous constituents, and other nonsugars in factory p...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor Corporativo: Commission internationale Technique de sucrerie. Assembl�ee g�en�erale
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Amsterdam : Elsevier Publishing Company, 1962.
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