
Therapist's guide to pediatric affect and behavior regulation /

Modeled on the author's bestselling Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention, this new book on child clinical intervention presents much of the material in outline or bullet point format, allowing easy understanding of complex material for the busy therapist. This clinician's guide...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Johnson, Sharon L.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London : Academic Press, 2013.
Edición:1st ed.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. The Regulatory Disordered Infant and Child
  • 2. Assessment and Diagnosis
  • 3. Treatment Planning
  • 4. Resources
  • Introduction
  • 1. The Regulatory Disordered Infant and Child
  • Normal Development of Regulatory Processes in Infancy
  • Caregiver Characteristics
  • Family Factors
  • Community Connectedness Factors
  • Environmental/neighborhood Factors
  • Attachment
  • Effortful Control
  • Temperament
  • Differences in Self-Regulation
  • Progression of Emotion Regulation
  • Regulation Processes
  • Inhibitory Control (IC)
  • Age Trends Associated With Inhibitory Control
  • Executive Attention (EA)
  • Age Trends Associated with Executive Attention
  • Emotion Regulation (ER)
  • Age Trends Associated With Emotion Regulation
  • Resilience
  • Progressive Typical Developmental Stages
  • Organizational Model of Sensory and Affective Experiences
  • A Developmental-Structuralist Approach
  • Defining Regulatory Disorder
  • Abnormal Processes
  • Assumptions of Developmental Psychology
  • The Dyadic Relationship
  • Primary Areas Associated with Regulatory Difficulties
  • Sleep
  • Feeding
  • Attention
  • Sensory Processing
  • Attachment/Emotional Functioning
  • Regulatory Disorders of Sensory Processing
  • Axis I
  • Symptoms of Neurological Deficits of Sensory Processing
  • Compare and Contrast Sensory Integration Dysfunction vs Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Impact of Dyadic and Family Influence
  • Early Symptoms and Their Relationship To Later Diagnostic Outcomes
  • Review of Epidemiological Research
  • Reviewing Early Risk Pathways
  • Infants and Children Suffer From Mental Illness Just Like Older Children Do
  • Role of Gender
  • Role of Relationship Disturbance
  • Role of Early Feeding and Eating Problems
  • Parental Descriptions of Child Behavior
  • Infancy
  • Toddler and Preschool
  • Older Preschool
  • Primary School Years
  • Children with Regulatory Disorders and Underlying Deficits
  • Regulation Disorders and ADHD
  • Regulation Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
  • Examples of Other Factors Influence Regulation
  • Impact of Prenatal Alcohol/Substance Exposure Upon Regulation
  • Infants/Children of Depressed Mothers
  • Other Factors That Impact Development
  • Low Birth Weight (Wolraich et al, 2008)
  • Genetics (Wolraich et al, 2008)
  • Infectious Disease and Associated Developmental and Behavioral Outcomes (Wolraich et al, 2008)
  • Defining Emotion
  • a. Cognitive Appraisal (CA)
  • Solution
  • b. Physiological Aspects of Emotions (PAE)
  • c. Expression of Emotion (EE)
  • d. Socialization of Emotions (SE)
  • e. Modulation of Emotion and Mood States (MEMS)
  • Bibliography
  • Further Reading
  • 2. Assessment and Diagnosis
  • Assessment Strategies for the Regulatory Disordered Infant/Child
  • The Intake Interview
  • The Greenspan Floortime Approach
  • Clinical Assessment Approaches
  • Diagnostic Profile
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • The Home Visit
  • Clinical Assessment
  • Screening and Assessment
  • Summary of Developmental Screening and Assessment Instruments
  • Screening Red Flags
  • a Self-Regulation and Sensory Processing and Reactivity
  • b Child Temperament and Behavior
  • c Sustained Attention
  • d Parent
  • Child interactions
  • e Instruments for Direct Clinical Observation
  • f Developmental Cognitive and Communication Skills
  • Developmental Screening Framework
  • Stages of Assessment
  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
  • Phase 3
  • Summary and Recommendations
  • Diagnosis
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV TR) Axis I Disorders
  • The Diagnostic Classification of Disorders of Infancy and Childhood: Zero to Three
  • The 5 Axes of the DC:0-3R
  • AXIS I
  • Clinical Disorders
  • Relationship Classification
  • Medical and Developmental Disorders and Conditions
  • Psychosocial Stressors
  • AXIS V
  • Emotional and Social Functioning
  • Completing Assessment and Diagnosis
  • What is an IFSP and IEP
  • Differences Between Services and Outcome
  • The IFSP
  • Implementing the IFSP
  • IFSP Considerations
  • IFSP
  • IDEA and Early Intervention:
  • The IEP
  • Implementing the IEP
  • Special Education Services
  • IEP Considerations
  • Basic IEP Process
  • Conducting an Educational Assessment
  • Behavioral Dysregulation
  • Referral for Assessment and Legal
  • Pre-Assessment Planning
  • Assessment Tools
  • Education
  • Speech
  • Psychology
  • Determining Eligibility
  • Other Health Impairment (OHI)
  • Speech Language Impairment (SLI)
  • Emotional Disturbance (ED)
  • Bibliography
  • Further Reading
  • 3. Treatment Planning
  • Preparing for Treatment Planning
  • Developing Individualized Early Childhood Treatment Plans
  • Core Intervention Modalities for Children Exposed to Trauma
  • Behaviors that Warrant Concern
  • Infant and Toddlers Age 0-3
  • Preschoolers Age 3-5
  • Case Examples
  • Case Example #1
  • Case Example #2
  • Treatment Planning Format
  • Treatment Planning
  • Crying
  • Case Example
  • Treatment
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Biological Factors
  • Psychosocial
  • Goals
  • treatment focus and objectives
  • Irritability and Other Mood Regulation Problems
  • Case Example
  • Treatment
  • Goals
  • Treatment Focus and Objectives
  • Sleep
  • Case Examples with Associated Information are Offered Below
  • a. The Hypersensitive Child/Sensory Integration Dysfunction to Touch, Sound/Tactile Defensiveness
  • Case Examples
  • b. Craving Movement/Vestibular Stimulation
  • Case Example
  • c. Problems with Attachment and Separation/Individuation
  • Case Example
  • Goals
  • Treatment Focus and objectives
  • Feeding Disorders (Figure 3.5)
  • Case Example
  • Treatment
  • Development and Feeding Skills
  • a. Homeostasis
  • Problems with Homeostasis
  • b. Attachment
  • c. Separation and Individuation
  • Factors Influencing Feeding
  • Assessing the Eating Process
  • Goals
  • Treatment Focus and Objectives
  • Attachment and Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • Case example
  • Treatment
  • Factors Contributing to Increased Risk for Developing Attachment Disorders
  • Caregiver Factors
  • Child Factors
  • Environmental Factors
  • Some Symptoms of Insecure Attachment Versus Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • Goals
  • Treatment Focus and Objectives
  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Separation Problems
  • Case Example
  • Treatment
  • Common Symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder
  • Common causes of Separation Anxiety Disorder
  • Goals
  • Treatment Focus and Objectives
  • Depression
  • Depression and the Link Between Anxiety and Depression
  • Case Example
  • Treatment
  • Goals
  • Treatment Focus and Objectives
  • Attentional Problems ADD/ADHD
  • Case Example
  • Treatment
  • Signs and Symptoms of Attention Deficit or Normal Child Behavior?
  • Treatment Focus and Objectives
  • Goals
  • Regulatory Disorders of Sensory Processing (RDSP)
  • The Elements of Sensory Integration
  • Sensory System and Sensory-Related Interventions
  • Case Example
  • General Skill Building
  • RSDP Hypersensitive/Over-responsive Type/Distractible
  • Treatment
  • RSDP Hyposensitive/Under-reactive Type/Withdrawn
  • Treatment
  • RSDP Sensory Stimulation Seeking/Impulsive/Sensation Seeking
  • Treatment
  • Treatment Strategies For All Children
  • Co-morbidity and Stability
  • Dyspraxia and Developmental Coordination Disorder
  • Intervention for Caregivers of Children with RSPD
  • Greenspan's Floor-time Techniques
  • Specific Floor-time Strategies
  • Additional Treatment Caveats
  • Detecting Visual Impairment
  • Detecting Hearing Loss
  • Auditory Processing Disorder (ADP)
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Executive Function
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorders
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Divorce Challenges and Needs of Children
  • Building Resilience in Children
  • The 7-Cs of Resilience
  • Positive Parenting
  • Resources
  • Further Reading
  • 4. Resources
  • Business Forms and Interview Format
  • Business Forms
  • Patient Registration
  • Fig. 4.1 Patient Registration
  • Fig. 4.2 Clinical Intake Form
  • Fig. 4.3 Comprehensive Clinical Intake
  • Additional Business Related Forms
  • Fig. 4.4 Assessment Plan
  • Fig. 4.5 Functional Analysis Assessment
  • Fig. 4.6 Functional Behavioral Assessment Checklist
  • Fig. 4.7 Functional Behavioral Assessment
  • Fig. 4.8 Behavior Support Plan
  • Fig. 4.9 Child Symptom Checklist
  • Fig. 4.10 Positive Behavior Intervention Plan
  • Commonly Used IFSP Forms
  • Fig. 4.11 Family's IFSP
  • Fig. 4.12 Family Page
  • Fig. 4.13 Developmental Profile
  • Fig. 4.14 Outcomes and Strategies
  • Fig. 4.15 Service Delivery Plan
  • Fig. 4.16 Transition Plan
  • Interview Format
  • Fig. 4.19 The Interview Process
  • Fig. 4.17 Meeting Notification
  • Fig. 4.18 Release of Information
  • Fig. 4.20 Semi-Structured Parent Interview
  • The Intake Interview
  • Family Assessment.