Sumario: | Create 3 useful desktop applications with web technologies using Electron About This Video Gain proficiency in building desktop applications with Electron Understand how to use Vanilla JS and React with Electron Create custom menu items, system tray apps, and more In Detail Be ready to get hands-on in this interactive project-based course designed to help you build and package cross-platform desktop applications using Electron. If you didn't already know, many popular apps such as VS Code, Slack, and Skype are built on Electron! Throughout this course, you'll be building 3 apps - ImageShrink - An app to optimize images for websites SystTop - A real-time CPU monitor with notifications and system tray BugLogger - A CRUD app to track logs, which uses React and the MongoDB Atlas cloud database In the first section of this course, you will start with an introduction to Electron and how it works. As you progress, you will start creating your first app- ImageShrink. You will also learn how to create menus with custom items. The next section will take you through the steps to create the interface, log files, and IPC communication. In addition to this, you will go on to build a menu template. In later sections, you'll get up to speed with working through 2 more applications, SystTop and BugLogger. The course will also help you focus on how to work with Interval/Dynamic System Stats. By the end of this course, you will be able to build desktop apps with Electron and even establish communication between processes with IPCMain and IPCRenderer.