Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; About the Contributors; Abbreviations; Chapter 1 Digital Government in Developing Countries: Reflections on the Korean Experience; Digital Governance and Development Opportunities; The Case of Digital Governance Development in the Republic of Korea; Purpose and Structure of the Book; Notes; Bibliography; Chapter 2 Institutional and Managerial Dimensions of Digital Government Development in the Republic of Korea; Introduction; Institutions and Digital Government Policy Design: A Brief History; Leadership in Digital Government in Korea.
  • Financing and Human Resource Capacity BuildingConclusion; Annex 2A: Case Study of Gangnam-gu on Collaboration: The Pilot Project for Local Digital Government Development; Bibliography; Chapter 3 Korean Digital Government Infrastructure Building and Implementation: Capacity Dimensions; Introduction; Stepping Stones in the 1970s and 1980s; Early Stage of Digital Government Infrastructure; History of Funding and Strategic Approaches for Digital Governance; Implementation of Digital Government Architecture; Toward the Digital Economy along with Digital Government and Public Services.
  • Resolving Challenges and ConflictsLessons Learned from Successes; Failures of the Korean Digital Government Policies and Implementation; Notes; Bibliography; Chapter 4 Evolution of Digital Government Systems in the Republic of Korea; Introduction; Stages in Developing Digital Government Systems; Phase 1: Developing Systems for Critical Government Functions-Information Islands; Phase 2: More Systems and Interconnections-Forming Information Archipelagos; Phase 3: Integrating Infrastructure and Interconnecting Systems-Formation of Continents; Implications: Theory of Information Continents.
  • After Continental Formation: Continental Drift?Conclusion; Notes; Bibliography; Chapter 5 Digital Government Impacts in the Republic of Korea: Lessons and Recommendations for Developing Countries; Introduction; Scope and Methodology; The Four Dimensions of Impacts; Conclusions; Notes; Bibliography; Chapter 6 Lessons and Implications for Developing Countries; Introduction; Impacts of Digital Governance in Korea; Lessons Learned: "The Korean Seven"; Applying Korean Lessons to the Global Context; Learning from Mistakes ... How Did Korea Cope with Setbacks?; Opportunities for Leapfrogging; Conclusion.
  • Annex 6A: Guidance for Sequencing a Digital Government Strategy Based on the Korea ExperienceAnnex 6B: Enterprise Architecture and Common Standards for Government in Korea; Notes; Bibliography; Boxes; Box 1.1Korea's e-Governance Experience: A Phased Evolution; Box 6.1"The Korean Seven"; Box 6.2Metamorphosis of the Korean Public Sector; Box 6.3The Organizational History of e-Government in Korea; Box 6.4Governance Models for Horizontal Coordination (across Peer-level Agencies); Box 6.5Innovation Financing, Budget Allocation and Prioritization.