Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction / Patrice Petro and Andrew Martin
  • Future-war storytelling : national security and popular film / Doug Davis
  • Visions of security : impermeable borders, impassable walls, impossible home/lands? / Mary N. Layoun
  • The origins of the danger market / Marcus Bullock
  • Cold War redux / Robert Ricigliano and Mike Allen
  • Popular culture and narratives of insecurity / Andrew Martin
  • Fearful thoughts : U.S. television post 9/11 and the wars in Iraq / Patricia Mellencamp
  • Planet patrol : satellite imaging, acts of knowledge, and global security / Lisa Parks
  • Intermedia and the War on Terror / James Castonguay
  • Remapping the visual war on terrorism : "U.S. internationalism" and transnational citizenship / Wendy Kozol and Rebecca DeCola
  • Picturing torture : Gulf wars past and present / Tony Grajeda.