Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Half Title Page; Title Page; Copyright; Dediction; Contents; Preface; First Sunday of Advent: The Expectant Months; Second Sunday of Advent: Begin Again; Third Sunday of Advent: Rejoice Always; Fourth Sunday of Advent: A Dwelling Place for God; The Nativity of the Lord: God Tenting Among Us; The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph: Holy Families; The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God: Contemplative Peace; Second Sunday after Christmas: Dwelling Together in Peace; Epiphany of the Lord: All Are Welcome; The Baptism of the Lord: Whispers of Love; First Sunday of Lent: Desert Days.
  • Second Sunday of Lent: FaithfulnessThird Sunday of Lent: Ardent Love; Fourth Sunday of Lent: Coming to the Light; Fifth Sunday of Lent: Made Perfect; Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion: Never Abandoned; Easter Sunday: Finding the Risen One; Second Sunday of Easter: Peace That Overcomes Fear; Third Sunday of Easter: You Are Witnesses; Fourth Sunday of Easter: Trusting Followers; Fifth Sunday of Easter: Already Pruned; Sixth Sunday of Easter: God's Favorites; Ascension of the Lord: Taken Up; Seventh Sunday of Easter: Anointed in Truth; Pentecost Sunday: Empowering Spirit.
  • The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: Circles of LoveThe Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: Blood Bond; The Solemnity of All Saints: A Great Cloud of Witnesses; Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: The Chain of Discipleship; Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: No Ordinary Time; Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: A Prophet Like Moses; Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: On Fire with the Good News; Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Bringing Outsiders In; Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Carried into Forgiveness; Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Fasting and Feasting.
  • Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Observing SabbathTenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Coming Home; Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Seeding Hope; Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Fearless Faith; Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Reaching Out; Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Grace Unleashed; Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Needy Missionaries; Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Creating Unity; Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Always Enough; Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Heavenly Bread; Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Nourishing Word.
  • Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Food for LifeTwenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: Choose Today; Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Motives of the Heart; Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Be Opened; Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Taking Up the Cross; Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Gifts and Greatness; Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: True Authority; Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Divine Oneness in Human Flesh; Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Just One Thing; Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: The Throne of Grace.