Table of Contents:
  • Faulkner: master of the heroic and the pastoral modes / Cleanth Brooks
  • Faulkner's art of repetition / Donald M. Kartiganer
  • Compulsive and revisionary repetition: Faulkner's "barn burning" and the craft of writing difference / Richard C. Moreland
  • Faulkner's narrative frames / John T. Matthews
  • A trap most magnificently sprung: the last chapter of Light in August / Christopher A. Lalonde
  • Faulkner's patriotic failure: Southern lyricism versus American hypervision / William E.H. Meyer, Jr.
  • "Drowsing maidenhead symbol's self": Faulkner and the fictions of love / Judith L. Sensibar
  • Carcassonne in Mississippi: Faulkner's geography of the imagination / Robert W. Hamblin
  • "Thinking I was not who was not was not who?": the vertigo of Faulknerian identity / Philip M. Weinstein
  • Word without a word: how the French translations of Faulkner's texts don't always fit what they're trying to say at / Beth Dyer Biron.