Table des matières:
  • La pinta : history, culture, and ideology in Chicana/o convict discourse
  • Toward a materialist history of Chicana/o criminality : Modesta Avila as paradigmatic pinta
  • Chicana/o archetypes : Jimmy Santiago Baca and the pinto picaresque
  • Declamatory pinto poetry : the masculinist poetics and materialist politics of Ricardo Sánchez's Poesía de chingazos
  • The pinto political unconscious : tattoos, abjection, and agency in Raúl Salinas's convict body altars
  • Hollywood placas : semiotics, spectatorship, and ideology in American me
  • The pinto as palimpsest : Fred Gómez Carrasco and the south Texas culture wars
  • Judy Lucero's gynocritical prison poetics and materialist Chicana politics
  • Writing resistance? : academic institutions, ideology, and 'prison work'
  • Pinta/os, human rights regimes, and a new paradigm for U.S. prisoner rights activism.