Table of Contents:
  • I. Pottery and politics : the Halif Terrace site 101 and Egypt in the fourth millennium B.C.E. / J. P. Dessel
  • II. Households and the use of domestic space at Iron II Tell Halif : an archaeology of destruction / James Walker Hardin
  • III. The Iron Age II cemetery at Tell Halif (Site 72) / Oded Borowski
  • IV. The figurines of Tell Halif / Paul F. Jacobs, with contributions by Nancy Serwint and Christopher Holland
  • V. The Iron, Persian, and Hellenistic occupations within the walls at Tell Halif : excavations in Field II, 1977-1980 / Dan P. Cole, with contributions by J. P. Dessel and Joe D. Seger
  • VI. Excavations in Field I at Tell Halif: 1976-1999 : the Early Bronze III to Late Arabic strata / by Paul F. Jacobs and Joe D. Seger
  • VII. Ethnoarchaeology in the Tell Halif environs : excavations in Site 1, Complex A, 1976-1979 / by Joe D. Seger and Karen E. Seger, with contributions by Oded Borowski, Paul F. jacobs, William Adams, and Susan Arter.