Résumé: | The work of a fan takes many forms, such as following a celebrity on Instagram or creating fan art as homages to adored characters. While feelings of like and love are commonly understood, examined less frequently are the equally intense, but opposite feelings. Disinterest. Disgust. Hate. This is anti-fandom. It is visible in many of the same spaces where you see fandom: in the long lines at Comic-Con, in our politics, and in numerous online forums like Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, and the ever-dreaded comments section. This is where we love to hate. Anti-fandom, a collection of fifteen original and innovative essays, provides a framework for future study through theoretical and methodological exemplars that examine anti-fandom in the contemporary digital environment. Engaging a number of contemporary issues from hatewatching Girls and enduring hated Tyler Perry films to online expressions of hate for a range of celebrities, characters and genres, these chapters ground the emerging area of anti-fan studies with a productive foundation. The book demonstrates the importance of constructing a complex knowledge of emotion and media in fan studies. Its focus on the pleasures, performances, and practices that constitute anti-fandom will generate new perspectives for understanding the impact of hate on our identities, relationships, and communities