Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction. Boom! goes the hypercanon : on the importance of the overlooked and understudied in young adult literature / Rebekah Fitzsimmons and Casey Alane Wilson
  • Section1: Defining boundaries. Exploring the genre conventions of the YA dystopian trilogy as twenty-first century utopian dreaming / Rebekah Fitzsimmons ; Oversharing on and off the internet : crossing from digital to print (and back) in young adult works authored by YouTube stars / Rachel L. Rickard Rebellino ; Paranormal maturation : uncanny teenagers and canny killers / Rachel Dean-Ruzicka ; Fathoms below : an in-depth examination of the mermaid in young adult literature, 2010-2015 / Amber Gray ; Who are these books really for? Police-violence YA, black youth activism, and the implied white audience / Kaylee Jangula Mootz
  • Section 2: Expanding boundaries. New directions for old roads : rewriting the young adult road trip story / Jason Vanfosson ; New heroines in old skins : fairy tale revisions in young adult dystopian literature / Jill Coste ; Manufacturing manhood : young adult fiction and masculinity(ies) in the twenty-first century / Tom Jesse and Heidi Jones ; Mythopoeic YA : worlds of possibility / Leah Phillips
  • Section 3: Revealing boundaries. "Tell me who I am" : an investigation of cultural authenticity in YA disability peritexts / Megan Brown ; Reimagining Forever ... : the marriage plot in recent young adult literature / Sara K. Day ; "No accident, no mistake" : acquaintance rape in recent YA novels / Roxanne Harde ; Eliminating extermination, fostering existence : diverse dystopian fiction and female adolescent identity / S. R. Toliver ; Sharpening the pointe : the intersectional feminism of contemporary Young Adult ballet novels / Sarah E. Whitney.