Table of Contents:
  • Punks, bulldaggers, and welfare queens: the radical potential of queer politics? / Cathy J. Cohen
  • Race-ing homonormativity: citizenship, sociology, and gay identity / Roderick A. Ferguson
  • Straight Black studies: on African American studies, James Baldwin, and Black queer studies / Dwight A. McBride
  • Outside in Black studies: reading from a queer place in the diaspora / Rinaldo Walcott
  • The evidence of felt intuition: minority experience, everyday life, and critical speculative knowledge / Phillip Brian Harper
  • "Quare" studies, or (almost) everything I know about queer studies I learned from my grandmother / E. Patrick Johnson
  • Beyond the closet as raceless paradigm / Marlon B. Ross
  • Privilege / Devon W. Carbado
  • "Joining the lesbians": cinematic regimes of Black lesbian visibility / Kara Keeling
  • Why are gay ghettoes White? / Charles I. Nero
  • Embracing the teachable moment: the Black gay body in the classroom as embodied text / Bryant Keith Alexander
  • Are we family? pedagogy and the race for queerness / Keith Clark
  • On being a witness: passion, pedagogy, and the legacy of James Baldwin / Maurice O. Wallace
  • But some of us are brave lesbians: the absence of Black lesbian fiction / Jewelle Gomez
  • James Baldwin's Giovanni's room: expatriation, "racial drag," and homosexual panic / Mae G. Henderson
  • Robert O'Hara's Insurrection: "que(e)rying history" / Faedra Chatard Carpenter.