Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction to the text / Wendy Laura Belcher
  • Manuscripts of the text and earlier translations / Wendy Laura Belcher
  • Introduction to the translation of the text / Michael Kleiner
  • The Ethiopian script and its translation / Michael Kleiner
  • The translation of the Gädlä Wälättä P̣eṭros
  • The translation of the Tä'amerä Wälättä P̣eṭros
  • Summaries of additional Tä'amerä Wälättä P̣eṭros
  • Summary of the history of Walatta Petros's community (in MSS J and I only)
  • The translation of the Mälke'a Wälättä P̣eṭros
  • The translation of the Sälamta Wälättä P̣eṭros.