Table des matières:
  • Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Illustrations; Acknowledgments; Introduction: Early Modern Women, English Drama, and the Wider World; Part 1. Early Modern Women Travelers: Global and Local Trajectories; 1. Desdemona and Mrs. Keeling; 2. A Stranger Bride: Mariam Khan and the East India Company; 3. Sailing to India: Women, Travel, and Crisis in the Seventeenth Century; 4. Teresa Sampsonia Sherley: Amazon, Traveler, and Consort; 5. The Global Travels of Teresa Sampsonia Sherley's Carmelite Relic
  • 6. Gender and Travel Discourse: Richard Lassels's "The Voyage of the Lady Catherine Whetenall from Brussells into Italy" (1650)7. Advance and Retreat: Reading English Colonial Choreographies of Pocahontas; 8. Lady Anne Clifford's Way and Aristocratic Women's Travel; Part 2. Early Modern Women and the Globe: Gendered Travel on the English Stage; 9. Mapping Women: Place Names and a Woman's Place; 10. Eroticizing Women's Travel: Desdemona and the Desire for Adventure in Othello; 11. Desdemona's Divided Duty: Gender and Courtesy in Othello
  • 12. From Adventure to Danger in the Travels of Desdemona and Miranda13. Marian Mobility, Black Madonnas, and the Cleopatra Complex; 14. Precarious Travail, Gender, and Narration in Shakespeare's Pericles, Prince of Tyre and Margaret Cavendish's The Blazing World; 15. Traveling Companions: Shakespeare's As You Like It and the Book of Ruth; 16. English Women, Romance, and Global Travel in Thomas Heywood's The Fair Maid of the West, Part I; Afterword: Looking for the Women in Early Modern Travel Writing; Contributors; Index