Table of Contents:
  • Cover; Half Title; Series page; Title page; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; 1. The Development of Blondel's Philosophical and Theological Thought; 2. Blondel's Ecclesiological and Theological Inheritance: Tradition from the Late Medieval through the Post-Tridentine Periods; 3. The Problem of Representation, Scripture, the Rise of Modern Thomism, and Blondel's Response; 4. Tradition, History, and the Intellectual Life of Nineteenth-Century Catholicism: The Methodological Conflict between Blondel and Loisy
  • 5. Mapping the Soul's Journey toward Truth: Blondel's Philosophy of Action between Faith and Reason6. Tradition in History and Dogma: Blondel and the Problem of Theology and History in Modern Catholicism; 7. After History and Dogma: Tradition as Participation in God's Truth; 8. Blondel and the Sacramentality of Human Rationality; Conclusion; Notes; Bibliography; Index