Table of Contents:
  • Introduction: Asian regionalism in comparative perspective / Peter J. Katzenstein.
  • Transpacific Torii: Japan and the emerging Asian regionalism / T.J. Pempel.
  • Asianism's ambivalent legacy / J. Victor Koschmann.
  • The intra-regional system in East Asia in modern times / Takeshi Hamashita.
  • Japan and Northeast Asia into the twenty-first century / Bruce Cumings.
  • Japan and Southeast Asia / Takashi Shiraishi.
  • Japan in East Asia: institutions and regional leadership / Richard F. Doner.
  • Japan's soft power: Doraemon goes overseas / Saya S. Shiraishi.
  • Japan's national security and Asia-Pacific's regional institutions in the Post-Cold War era / Susumu Yamakage.
  • China, Japan, and the regional political economy of East Asia, 1945-1995 / Mark Selden.
  • Conclusion: Regions in world politics, Japan and Asia, Germany in Europe / Peter J. Katzenstein and Takashi Shiraishi.