Table of Contents:
  • Cover; SWEET SPOTS; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; INTERSPACE ONE City Palimpsest; CHAPTER ONE Interstitial Urban Space: Inhabiting the Pleats and Notches in the Urban Fabric of New Orleans; CHAPTER TWO The Broken Plantation and the Sweet Space of Gardens; INTERSPACE TWO Interstitial Systems; CHAPTER THREE Connection, Separation, and Mediation: Interstitial Systems in Traditional New Orleans Architecture; CHAPTER FOUR Harmony Street: An Interstitial House; INTERSPACE THREE Representing the In-Between; CHAPTER FIVE Degas's New Orleanian Spaces
  • CHAPTER SIX John Galsworthy's "That Old-Time Place": Nostalgia, Repetition, and Interstitial Space in the St. Louis "Exchange" HotelINTERSPACE FOUR Constituting and Contesting the Interstitial; CHAPTER SEVEN "Seeing the Elephant" in New Orleans's Interstitial Spaces: A Look behind Modern-Day Bourbon Street to the Origins of Civic Repute; CHAPTER EIGHT Where Women Live: Creating and Regulating the Spaces of Women's Lives, 1880-1950; CHAPTER NINE Congo Square as a Lieu de Souvenir in New Orleans: Race, Place, and the Complexity of Blackness; INTERSPACE FIVE In-Betweenness in Motion
  • CHAPTER TEN Into the Between: Interstitial Soundscapes in Early New Orleans JazzCHAPTER ELEVEN The Cultural Democracy of the Second Line: A View from beyond the Ropes; INTERSPACE SIX "Authenticity," Simulacra, and Apocalypse; CHAPTER TWELVE Airportness in New Orleans; CHAPTER THIRTEEN Carnival at the Edge of the Abyss: New Orleans and the Apocalyptic Imagination; INTERSPACE SEVEN; Bibliography; About the Contributors; Index