Table des matières:
  • Introduction: Harry Potter and the Magical Screen / John Alberti and P. Andrew Miller
  • Part One: Adaptation, Fidelity, and Meaning
  • Harry Potter and the Popular Culture of Tomorrow / Andrew Howe
  • "Elder" and Wiser: The Filmic Harry Potter and the Rejection of Power / Cassandra Bausman
  • Gaze Politics and Male Objectification in the Harry Potter Movies / Vera Cuntz-Leng
  • Part Two: Transmedia Adaptations
  • Harry Potter, Henry Jenkins, and the Visionary J. K. Rowling / Maria Dicieanu
  • Epoximise!: The Renegotiation of Film and Literature through Harry Potter GIF Sets / Katharine McCain
  • Harry Potter and the Surprising Venue of Literary Critique / Michelle Markey Butler
  • Taking Tea at Elephant House: How Potterheads Researched Harry Potter During a Fandom-Focused Study Abroad / Liza Potts, Kelly Turner, and Emily Dallaire.