Résumé: | This fascinating chronicle of murder in the Hoosier State paints a chilling portrait of the American Midwest from mid-19th century to the Jazz Age. In Murders that Made Headlines, Jane Simon Ammeson uncovers a grizzly history of crime in Indiana, offering a stark contrast to the nostalgic image of a simpler time in America's heartland. While the Midwest saw many changes between the 1850s and the 1930s-from horses and buggies to Hudson sedans; ladies in long dresses to flappers in short skirts-the passions that led to murder remained the same. In this compendium of sensational and scandalous crimes, you will find tales of romantic jealousy, manic greed, racism, and family dysfunction-themes that remain all too familiar today. Ammeson recounts the astonishing and sometimes bizarre stories of arsenic murders, Ponzi schemes, prison escapes, perjury, and other shocking crimes that took place in the Hoosier state. These extraordinary true events once captured the public's attention, only to be forgotten by time. But through extensive research into public records, genealogies, and even exhumed graves, Ammeson reveals the notorious true crimes lurking in our history.