Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction. The "Ethnic Fade" That Never Quite Happened ; 1. Sporting Gentlemen: The Memoirs of John L. Sullivan, James J. Corbett, and Connie Mack; 2. Dancing Like Merry Hell: Barbara Mullen's Life Is My Adventure; 3. Joseph Mitchell's Irish Imagination; 4. The Honeymooners: Jackie Gleason's Memoir of Brooklyn; 5. A Culture of Diffidence: Mid-Century Irish-American Priests' Autobiographies; 6. Flowering Absences: Recent Irish Writers and Genealogical Dead Ends; 7. 'Tis, Meaning Maybe: The Uncertain Last Words of Angela's Ashes.
  • 8. "Someone Watching Your Back": Guardian Angels in Michael Patrick MacDonald's All Souls9. Picture Windows: Irish-American Memoirs of the Suburbs; 10. Secular Pilgrimages: Recent Irish-American Memoir and Journeys of Healing; Bibliography; Index.