Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Foreword; Editorial Introduction / Saba Soomekh ; The Maurice Amado Foundation: Promoting Sephardic and Jewish Cultural Heritage in America: An Interview with Elaine Lindheim and Sam Tarica / Saba Soomekh ; Language Mixing in Seattle Ladino: Influence or Interference? / Molly FitzMorris ; Diglossic Distribution among Judeo-Spanish-Speaking Sephardim in the United States / Bryan Kirschen ; "And she loved brown people": Jacqueline Shohet Kahanoff's Affirmation of Arab Jewish Identity in Jacob's Ladder / Joyce Zonana ; "Sephardim since Birth": Reconfiguring Jewish Identity in America / Devin E. Naar ; Diasporic Reunions: Sephardi/Ashkenazi Tensions in Historical Perspective / Aviva Ben-Ur ; Negotiating Exile: An Arab Jew in America / David Suissa ; Becoming American / Gina Nahai ; Iranian Jewish Art Today: What Cultural Legacy Are We Handing Down? / Shulamit Nazarian ; The Classic Sephardic Spirit / Rabbi Daniel Bouskila.