Table of Contents:
  • Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Introduction; The Second Part of the Popular Errors.; Editions of The Second Part of the Popular Errors.; Inventory of the 1587 Micard Edition.; Brief Description of the Contents of the Micard Edition.; Index and Notes of the Present Translation.; Selected Bibliography.; Preliminary Matter; Extract from the King's Authorization to Print.; Letter by Barthelemy Cabrol to Nicolas de Neufville.; Letter by Barthelemy Cabrol to Antoine de Clermont.; Index of Chapters and Subject Matter Contained in The Second Part of the Popular Errors.; Liminal Poems.
  • The Second Part of the Popular Errors Concerning Medicine and the Regimen of HealthAppendices; A.A Common Question: What Language Would a Child Speak If It Had Never Heard Speech?; B. On the Beverage of Monseigneur the Marechal D'Anville.; C. The Health of the Prince, Containing Two Parts.; D. On Nightfall, What It Is, and Whether It Falls on Us.; Index; Micard Index.