Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The true form of governments : the constitutional movements of power / Tilo Schabert
  • Modern boredom, the human element, and creative politics / David Tabachnick
  • A political ontology of persons / Toivo Koivukoski
  • Friendship as precondition and consequence of creativity in politics / John von Heyking
  • Can politics be creative? Theory and empirical evidence / Thomas Heilke
  • On Schabert's "creative person in politics" / Dan Avnon
  • Breaking routine and adjusting anew : elections, persons, local politics / Alexander Thumfart
  • Between wisdom and knowledge : the politics of creativity in a post-communist world / András Lánczi
  • The primacy of persons? Why not? But a disenchanted one : a French sociologist visits Schabertpolis / Eirk Neveu.