Table of Contents:
  • Genesis. Race story / Jim Schutze ; Crazy sometimes / Leonard Pitts, Jr. ; Experiences and memories / Robert Coles ; Night I stopped being a Negro / Les Payne ; Son of the South / John Seigenthaler, Sr. ; Talking white / Kimberly Springer ; Central Park samaritan / Natalie Angier ; It all started with my parents / Lucy Gibson
  • Fear and longing. Race, rage, and the ace of spades / Julianne Malveaux ; To make them stand in fear / David Bradley ; Passing / Theresa M. Towner ; Black and white / Robert Jensen ; For colored girls who have resisted homogenization when the rainbow ain't enough / Joycelyn K. Moody ; Anatomy of a fairy princess / Patricia J. Williams ; Rambling response to the play Marie Christine / Kalamu ya Salaam ; Black, white, and seeing red all over / Shawn E. Rhea ; Race fatigue / Ira J. Hadnot
  • Exodus. Choosing to be black : the ultimate white privilege? / Beverly Daniel Tatum ; White like me : race and identity through majority eyes / Tim Wise ; Traveling with white people / Colleen J. McElroy ; Race : a discussion in ten parts, plus a few moments of unsubstantiated theory and one inarguable fact / Kiini Ibura Salaam ; Funky fresh talented tenth / Toure ; On acting white : mother-daughter talk / Lisa Dodson, Odessa Dorian Cole ; Country music / Susan Straight ; One summer evening / Noel Ignatiev ; Spelling lesson / Carlton Winfrey ; Jasper, Texas elegy / Bernestine Singley ; All souls : civil rights from Southie to Soweto and back / Michael Patrick MacDonald ; Pictures in black and white / Hanna Griffiths.