Table des matières:
  • Vivo ergo cogito: modernism as temporalization and its discontents: a propaedeutic to this collection / Stephen Schloesser
  • Early responses to American pragmatism in France: selective attention and critical reaction / John R. Shook
  • James and Bergson: reciprocal readings / Frederic Worms translated by John J. Conley
  • William James on free will: the French connection with Charles Renouvier / Donald Wayne Viney
  • Blondel and pragmatism: truth as the real adequation of mind and life / Michael J. Kerlin
  • Pragmatism in France: the case of Édouard Le Roy / Harvey Hill
  • Le critique malgre lui: Marcel Herbert's La pragmatisme / C.J.T. Talar
  • "Notre attitude en face du pragmatisme" George Tyrrell's relation to pragmatism / Clara Ginther.