Table des matières:
  • Biographical sketches : Minnie Vautrin and Tsen Shiu-Fang
  • A note on the two diaries
  • Juxtaposition--Excerpts from the two diaries, December 8, 1937, to March 1, 1938
  • Receiving refugees at Ginling College under intensifying bombardment
  • Japanese occupation of Nanking--soldiers' rampage, residents' terror
  • Observing holidays in a time of horror and the refugees' "goddess of mercy"
  • Registration of women and the return of American and European diplomats
  • Life and problems inside the Ginling camp
  • The Japanese demand to close refugee camps and Vautrin's defiance
  • Slowly restoring law and order, but soldiers keep searching for "Hwa Gu-Niang"
  • Aftermath
  • Appendix: Reports by Minnie Vautrin on the rape of Nanking from her correspondence
  • A review of the first month: December 13, 1937-January 13, 1938
  • As a refugee camp : January 14-March 31, 1938.