Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Contents""; ""Foreword (Robert Rosen)""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Introduction""; ""Father""; ""Childhood""; ""Our House""; ""Bolshevo""; ""Those Times""; ""I Will Be a Camerawoman""; ""Where to Next?""; ""Lessons of Television""; ""Teaching""; ""THE WEAVERS""; ""My First Film Portrait""; ""Professional Infatuations""; ""Them""; ""THE ORDEAL""; ""Compromises""; ""Sharp Angles""; ""On the Threshold of Change""; ""ARKHANGELSK MUZHIK""; ""Oleg Efremov""; ""SOLOVKI POWER""; ""Life Is More Talented Than We Are""; ""PERESTROIKA: Another Life""; ""A Taste of Freedom""; ""Once More about Scripts""
  • ""Earthquake""""THE HOUSE ON ARBAT STREET""; ""Life with a Camera""; ""Technology and Creativity""; ""The Prince""; ""On Ethics""; ""Life with a Camera (Continued)""; ""Documentary Trip""; ""Filmography of Marina Goldovskaya""; ""Appendix: Notable Figures in Soviet Film making and Other Arts""; ""Index""