Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: "My beloved Mississippi is being overrun"
  • pt. 1. The state in military conflict
  • "Then go down into Egypt while Herod reigns in Judea"
  • "The struggle is now for her existence as a state"
  • "The arms and military property of the state"
  • "A swath of desolation"
  • "Patriotism enough to bear such a tax as this"
  • pt. 2. The people in social conflict
  • "If Lincoln should continue to work at the mote in our eye"
  • "Her people are drifting to the Yankees"
  • "Tears on many a dark cheek"
  • "I have borne it all very cheerfully, so far"
  • "Our poor country is getting into a deplorable condition."