Table of Contents:
  • All the king's horses : an introduction / Alex W. Barker and Paula Kay Lazrus
  • The economics of the looted archaeological site of Bâb edh-Dhrâ' : a view from Google Earth / Neil Brodie and Daniel A. Contreras
  • The material and intellectual consequences of acquiring the Sarpedon Krater / David Gill
  • Moot loot speaks : classical archaeology and the displaced object / Stephen L. Dyson
  • Unprovenienced artifacts and the invention of Minoan and Mycenaean religion / Senta C. German
  • Early looting and destruction of Australian shipwreck sites : legislation, education, and an amnesty for long-term preservation / Jennifer Rodrigues
  • The trade in fresh supplies of ancient coins : scale, organization, and politics / Nathan T. Elkins
  • The social and political consequences of devotion to Biblical artifacts / Neil Brodie and Morag M. Kersel
  • What "All the kings horses" has to say to American archaeologists / Ann M. Early.