Table of Contents:
  • "No small amount of change could do" : Esther Cooper Jackson and the making of a Black Left feminist / Erik McDuffie
  • What "the cause" needs is a "brainy and energetic woman " : a study of female charismatic leadership in Baltimore / Prudence Cumberbatch
  • From communist politics to Black power : the visionary politics and transnational solidarities of Vicki Garvin / Dayo F. Gore
  • Shirley Graham Du Bois : portrait of the Black woman artist as a revolutionary / Gerald Horne and Margaret Stevens
  • "A life history of being rebellious" : the radicalism of Rosa Parks / Jeanne Theoharis
  • Framing the panther : Assata Shakur and Black female agency / Joy James
  • Revolutionary women and the Black Panther Party's Oakland Community School / Ericka Huggins and Angela D. LeBlanc-Ernest
  • Must revolution be a family affair? : revisiting the Black woman / Margo Natalie Crawford
  • Retraining the heartworks : women in Atlanta's Black arts movement / James Smethurst
  • "Women's liberation or Black liberation, you're fighting the same enemies" : Florynce Kennedy, Black power, and feminism / Sherie M. Randolph
  • To make that someday come : Shirley Chisholm's radical politics of possibility / Joshua Guild
  • Denise Oliver and the Young Lords : stretching the political boundaries of struggle / Johanna Fernandez
  • Grassroots leadership and Afro-Asian solidarities : Yuri Kochiyama's humanizing radicalism / Diane C. Fujino
  • "We do whatever becomes necessary" : Johnnie Tillmon, welfare rights, and Black power / Premilla Nadasen.