Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Cover""; ""Contents""; ""FOREWORD""; ""ACKNOWLEDGMENTS""; ""Introduction: The Search for Harm Reduction""; ""Part I: HISTORY, POLICY, AND SOCIAL THEORY""; ""1 The Case of the Two Dutch Drug-Policy Commissions: An Exercise in Harm Reduction, 1968â€?1976""; ""2 Legalization of Drugs: Responsible Action towards Health Promotion and Effective Harm Reduction Strategies""; ""3 The Battle for a New Canadian Drug Law: A Legal Basis for Harm Reduction or a New Rhetoric for Prohibition? A Chronology""; ""4 The De-Medicalization of Methadone Maintenance""
  • ""5 Readiness for Harm Reduction: Coming to Grips with the 'Temperance Mentality'""""6 Harm Reduction at the Supply Side of the Drug War: The Case of Bolivia""; ""PART II: HUMAN RIGHTS""; ""7 Harm Reduction, Human Rights, and the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence""; ""8 Harm Reduction, Doping, and the Clashing Values of Athletic Sports""; ""9 Will Prisons Fail the AIDS Test?""; ""10 Is Prenatal Drug Use Child Abuse?: Reporting Practices and Coerced Treatment in California""; ""PART III: ALCOHOL AND PUBLIC HEALTH""; ""11 Towards a Harm Reduction Approach to Alcohol-Problem Prevention""
  • ""12 Reducing Alcohol-Related Harm: A Balanced and Disaggregated Perspective""""13 Harm Reduction and Licensed Drinking Settings""; ""14 Reducing Alcohol-Related Harm in Communities: A Policy Paradigm""; ""15 Harm Reduction and Alcohol Abuse: A Brief Intervention for College-Student Binge Drinking""; ""PART IV: LABORATORY, CLINICAL, AND FIELD STUDIES""; ""16 Animal Self-Administration of Cocaine: Misinterpretation, Misrepresentation, and Invalid Extrapolation to Humans""; ""17 Harm Reduction Interventions with Women Who Are Heavy Drinkers""
  • ""18 Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Anti-User Bias in New York State's Approach to Needle Exchange""""19 Shopping, Baking, and Using: The Manufacture, Use, and Problems Associated with Heroin Made in the Home from Codeine-Based Pharmaceuticals""; ""20 'Really Useful Knowledge': The Boundaries, Customs, and Folklore Governing Recreational Drug Use in a Sample of Young People""; ""PART V: COMMUNITIES AND SPECIAL POPULATIONS""; ""21 Alcohol and Other Drug Use in the Punjabi Community in Peel, Ontario: Experiences in Ethnocultural Harm Reduction""; ""22 Female Drug Injectors and Parenting""
  • ""23 The Harm Reduction Model: An Alternative Approach to AIDS Outreach and Prevention for Street Youth in New York City""""24 Working with Prostitutes: Reducing Risks, Developing Services""; ""25 A Harm Reduction Approach to Treating Older Adults: The Clients Speak""; ""26 Harm Reduction Efforts inside Canadian Prisons: The Example of Education""; ""CONTRIBUTORS""