Table of Contents:
  • The Toronto School and Communication Research / Elihu Katz
  • Innis, McLuhan and the Toronto School / Menahem Blondheim and Rita Watson
  • Between essentialism and constructivism: Harold Innis and World Order Transformations / Ronald J. Diebert
  • "The significance of communication" according to Harold Adams Innis / Menahem Blondheim
  • Marshall McLuhan: genealogy and legacy / James W. Carey
  • McLuhan: where did he come from, where did he disappear? / Ruth Katz and Elihu Katz
  • Northrop Frye and the Toronto School of Communication theory / Arthur Siegel
  • Bias of bias: Innis, Lessing and the problem of space / Paul Frosh
  • Monopolies of news: Harold Innis, the telegraph and wire services / Gene Allen
  • Revitalizing time: an Innisian perspective on the internet / Xiaoquan Zhao
  • Articulating Mcluhan: a cognitive-pragmatic perspective on the consequences of communication media / Rita Watson
  • Global village, the nation state and ethnic community: audiences of communication and the boundaries of identity / Hillel Nosseck and Hanna Adoni
  • Rare to medium: a full taxonomy of elements for assessing how well (done) the internet's unique capabilities are currently exploited by e-magazines / Nava Cohen-Avigdor and Sam Lehman-Wilzig
  • Conceptualizing the right to privacy: ethical and legal considerations / Raphael Cohen-Almagor
  • From the spider to the web: Innis' ecological approach to the evolution of communication technologies / Limor Shifman and Menahem Blondheim
  • Whatever happened to the Toronto school? / David R. Olson.